Red, White and <I>Ready</i> for a Party! Plan Your 4<span><sup>Th</sup></span> of July With These Tips.

Geometry House
Red, White and <I>Ready</i> for a Party! Plan Your 4<span><sup>Th</sup></span> of July With These Tips. Red, White and <I>Ready</i> for a Party! Plan Your 4<span><sup>Th</sup></span> of July With These Tips.

July’s around the corner, and if the last few years have taught us anything, it’s the value of celebrating together. But if you’re planning to host a patriotic party at home, you might be feeling that last-minute pressure to prep. That’s why we’ve put together a 4th of July game plan that simplifies your soiree while serving up that wow factor. Here’s what you need for an Independence Day party that’s all, well, fireworks.

Show your colors

Here’s the good news: when it comes to Independence Day, there’s no need to be creative. In fact, the more red, white and blue, the better – period. That said, you don’t have to buy up the dollar section at Target just for an afternoon barbecue (props to you if you do though!). If you don’t have the time or budget to go all out, you can create an atmosphere that makes America proud simply by hanging a flag in your home or yard and using patriotic paper goods. 

Before you hang your flag, make sure you’re doing Old Glory justice by following proper flag etiquette – like flying it with the blue/star section at the top left and using bunting instead of actual flags for décor.

Create a patriotic playlist

If you’re not sporting a little Bruce Springsteen or Neil Diamond on the 4th of July… we may need to check your passport. No Independence Day soiree is complete without an all-American soundtrack. While everyone’s got their go-to patriotic tunes, you can make sure you haven’t missed a beat (literally) by borrowing from the experts. 

Head over to Parade for a list of 50 songs that will make you proud to be an American. Start there, then pepper your playlist with a few of your own favorites for a perfectly patriotic party soundtrack.

Incorporate fun activities

Keeping your guests entertained is often as easy as great food and better company, but there’s no reason you can’t also incorporate a few fun activities for the whole family. Think about classic summer favorites, like cornhole or a water balloon toss. For an activity that will pull on everyone’s heartstrings, set up a table with stationary, crayons and envelopes and have your guests write a letter of thanks to a soldier. Check out Any Solider and Operation Gratitude for addresses and other opportunities to show your appreciation for our military members.

If party programming is your thing, lean in and go big! Queen of Theme Party Games has dozens of creative games for all ages – complete with free printables. 

Make food fun again

While a good burger or hot dog might anchor your Independence Day menu, theming up your food offerings is a good way to add that little “extra” to your 4th of July soiree. And even though there’s no shortage of patriotic ideas on Pinterest and Instagram, we suggest thinking outside the flag cake. 

This layered taco dip is sure to make Uncle Sam smile, while these watermelon pizzas are as cute as they are cool for a hot July day. For an easy dessert the kids will love, try these Jell-O parfaits, which will look as good on your table as they taste.

Note the details

They say the devil is in the details, but when it comes to party-planning, that’s where the fun resides. Patriotic hand towels in the bathroom? Yes, please. Sparklers at every place-setting? Festive flag-shaped balloon arch? We’re in. While it’s important not to stress over the perfect party, getting a little extra is never a bad idea – especially if that’s your jam! 

So if your inner patriot is itching for a real-life appearance from Uncle Sam, let your beard and top hat lead the way. Independence Day belongs to everyone, so feel free – to make it yours!

From all of us at Geometry to all of you, have a happy, safe and festive July 4th!